Make internet calls for free with Skype. Call friends and family on any phone with Pay As You Go and Pay Monthly subscriptions, sign up today at
Google Voice
Google Voice gives you one number for all your phones, voicemail as easy as email, free US long distance, and low rates on international calls.
This gives your phone a second line with its own phone number. A new phone line with calling, texting, and business features.
Pick up your phone, dial an access number and make unlimited, free 10-minute calls to over 60 countries. No sign up required. Make calls anytime.
Ultra low cost digital voice service. The DUO offers local and long distance calling within the United States and Canada.
Make your iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad a true Internet phone. No strings attached! Unlimited FREE calls, texts and picture sharing to Facebook and GTalk.
Whistle Phone
Secure and high-definition calling are here! With Whistle Phone's new secure high-definition client, talk to your friends and family all over the globe.
iCall lets you make free phone calls, video chat and text on your computer, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android device.